Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pure Fish Oil - The Elixir of Life

On May seem silly to some, I compare the pure fish oil for the elixir of life. However, it is a proven fact that this oil can prolong life. This oil taken on a daily basis can help prevent you from having a heart attack. And if you're one of the unfortunates who have a heart attack, the attack should not be as severe.

Those who have read my articles before, they will know that I have so much faith in the pure fish oil, I'm fond of comparing it to the discovery of aspirin. Seriously though, this oil is not so good for our health. After taking this oil for several years, some of you can reach the same conclusion.

There are many long year ago, we have to take Omega3 supplement to obtain the fatty acids we need on a daily basis. We used to all the fatty acids we need from eating a few servings of fish a week. Now, however, due to pollution in the oceans, we can no longer afford to eat so much fish. Now you need to clean the fish oil supplements.

is not just a heart that is used for taking the oil. Our brain is a major user of DHA Omega3 fatty acids. DHA is used to make up our minds and keep us happy. Unfortunately, DHA is related to our levels of serotonin, and if those levels drop, then we will suffer from emotional disorders. This form of mood swings and bouts of depression.

Omega3 not only come in the form of fish oil, but can be obtained from plant foods such as flaxseed, leafy green vegetables such as purslane and walnuts. Did you know, there is now a breakfast cereal that has flax in it. However, this type of ALA, is to contact our body through the DHA, this conversion is not always effective.

There is one thing I try to impress people, and that is to just buy Omega3 supplement that is molecularly distilled to remove impurities such as lead, mercury and PCBs. PCBs are dangerous and the only way to get rid of them is molecular distillation. oil that is left to be cleaned.

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