Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dare You - No I Double Dog Dare You

When I was a little girl I often retreated to my room to "think". I would tell my mother that I needed some quiet time. My mother always thought it was strange, but it has allowed me to sneak off somewhere quiet to my "thinking session." She always asked me what it was I think about, and who have an active imagination, I could monologue very detailed review of my session.

As I grew, I kept thinking these sessions are not aware that time I was actively using my imagination to create the life I've been wanting. I get some playful ribbing from my family because I still do not participate in these sessions, but the difference between my fantasy and meeting a child today is that I'm aware of how to use my imagination can deliberately create my desired
reality. You see, what we envision will become part of your reality.


What would it look if you had the dream job you always wanted? How do you feel when you think about this "dream" become real? Allow yourself to imagine your life the way you want it to be. By participating in this task, you hold a desire to convert their physical equivalent.

What does it feel like when you let your mind start thinking about love, friendship, connected relationship with your spouse? Can I get this vision in your minds eye? What does it feel like?
How do you think of new ideas, thoughts and possibilities, you will deliberately move towards achieving the most you want in your life. According to this principle, the practice of deliberate, imagination becomes more alert and responsive to your inner guidance.

Here are seven things you can use to get immediate results in the visualization of your new life:

1 Get clear on what you want - give some serious thought each day to what you want and why you want it. Let your imagination run wild, and then write down everything you imagined. You can write why you think you want what you want, the pros and cons of taking it, and how much you really want it. Over time, you will become more clear about what your needs are, so you can start to make your dreams a reality.

2 Give your full attention - this should be no secret to getting what you want takes time and effort, as opposed to the recent hype. Focusing on your goal invariably means giving her full attention. Once the vision is good, but think about what you want, and you do your dishes, fold laundry, or to commute to work, is great!

3 Create space in your life - even with all the visualization be done regularly, You May still have an imaginary block that is keeping you from accomplishing your goals. You may be your block! As an example, if you want to spend more time with their children, then turn the TV off an hour before bedtime and read together. If you want to have a closer relationship with her husband, spend 20 minutes a day "listening session." If you want something, create a space for it to happen.

4 Get comfortable with how you feel - much of visualization that not only thinking about what you are imagining, but also a sense of what you envision. Emotion is our indication that we are going in the right direction, and fortunately, emotions are generally categorized as either good or evil. Once recognized as a general feeling of "good " it tells you that you are going in the right direction. Also, when you feel "bad", then that's a pretty good sign that you are on the right track.

5 Underwriting - If you're waiting for the warranty before you act on something, you'll never get out of the starting gate. They need a guarantee of success means that you are suffering from fear of failure, or perhaps you are procrastinating because the perfectionist in you will allow yourself to get started in the first place. Take risks. Get yourself moving forward, using your emotions as a guide.

6 Fake It Until You Make It - That's right ... act as if what you want to happen has already happened. What does it feel like, such as smell, taste or sound like? Let your imagination wild right ... in your visualization, you must be different and the world around them has to be different. Outside of your visualization, the use of bursts of time to fake your new life. Just "act as if ."

7 Set apart from worry - use your imagination and visualization of time as a way to create the life you want, and not vice versa. When racing thoughts pop up, which means "lack, " which is simply the actions of their limited knowledge about what you are visualizing, or lack of knowledge about how to get what they want. Set aside to worry. When you worry interferes with your dream, you've just created a life care, and this is not your ultimate goal.

This is the Dare

Let your imagination run wild using any of the proposals that the above let alone create the life you seek. You can do one of two things:

1) Read the list and forget about these proposals together, or

2) Do it. I dare you to try them. For 1 week hard, try every item on this list, with sincerity, and see how it changes your life. At the end of the first week, see if you can get another. At the end of next week, see if you can add a third.

the joy of the departure of three weeks, and visualize only the following suggestions mentioned above, is that it takes 21 days to create habits, which is exactly what we will be doing when you spend valuable time working on it, imagining your new life.

- You want to feel a deeper connection with her husband


- Would it feel great to have open discussion with your teenager


- Can you imagine actually enjoying your commute to the office (which may be just right down the hall !)?

Y? Start with your imagination!

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