Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jump Start Your Dreams

"Nothing happens unless first we dream." Carl Sandburg

"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then it seems unlikely, then we invite they soon become inevitable." - Christopher Reeve

Are you pursuing a dream that you are passionate about? Do you dream that you are sitting on for years and did not take action on it? Do you know what are your dreams?

Dreams are actually part of our direction in life. They are clues to the road map for what road we should travel. So if you feel confused or unclear about your dreams you've lost touch with their "dream" self. Your dreaming self is that part of you that is associated with all the possibilities in life. It's part of you who truly believe in the magic and joy of living. It is a part of you that will lead you to happiness and fulfillment of the sweetest you could ever imagine. So often people get divorced himself from his dreams at a very young age by parents who stopped connecting with their own dreams themselves.

When I work with clients, part of the process of healing is to reconnect with your dreams themselves. part of them which is expansive dreams. Very often they believe this part of them is not there anymore-that was lost and they can never reach that part of them. The good news is that this part of them never go away-it's just buried under the condition of their limiting beliefs and fears. On May take a little time, but they can reconnect to the dreams of himself, and then begin to listen to this voice.

You May be in the same position as detached from the dreams of himself too. If so I'll give you some tips that will help you make this connection. Others of you May have some clarity about your dreams, but not taken action to pursue their dreams, I will address how to get behind this too.

Tips for Replacing with your dreams

1 Let your critical thinking-to hear the voice of your dreams, you must first critically quiet voice inside. If you think that is what he wanted to share a dream with a friend and shoot down the criticism. What is the probability that you will share your dreams with that person again? Not very likely. It's the same way with their inner voice of criticism. If you make a dream in your own mind and you'll find ways that will not work as a judge or a stupid idea, the voice of your dreams will just shut up and soon you stop dreaming. Open to being loving and supportive of their dreams. This will create a secure environment for your dreams to come forward and be expressed within you.

2 Make a list of 100 things you'd like to do, be or have. It can be a bit of a challenge to start this, but as you work on this list you will be taking a heavy cover yourself and your dreams will start to talk to you --- and you'll be able to add items list. By running a list of pump priming you for more ideas to come through. Here are some examples of things that May be on your list: a trip to Hawaii, learn to dance salsa, learn to paint in watercolor, go on a weekend camping alone, take a family trip to the Grand Canyon, start your own business, be more adventurous, etc.

3 Notice when you want what someone else is doing, sometimes our dreams have been brought forward because we can see that someone else they live. This can sometimes come to statements like: "Oh, I wish I could do." For example, if you have a friend who travels a lot and love to hear stories of her adventures, it can be a dream of yours that you should take on. Pay attention to when you feel that way-this can give clues to their dreams. What do you see other people doing that would love to do?

4 Forget the "How To " When you dream, you can ignore your dreams, because you can not see how this dream could ever happen. You might say: "I could never leave his job and what I love-I can not see how this could happen." The most important thing is to identify sleep and decide whether it's a dream to continue. I have seen more and more that once people decide to undertake --- and move forward in action in the direction of his dreams-piece puzzle, "How" to fall into place. You will not experience this if you hang back and try to figure it out in my mind "how" to do before they decide if they will do it. ideas, inspiration and "how to" get to you after you have decided to commit.

5 Go somewhere special and inspirational to think of your dreams-Take time out from his busy schedule to reflect on their dreams. Sometimes people are so busy with their daily lives that they do not have time to reflect on their lives. You need time and space to drop in their sense of self-this is where the dreaming part of you lives. Find a cafe or other inspiring place to go and reflect. Write to the theme of "If I could do anything I would ........"- and just let your mind drift and write down ideas that come to you. I remember as I mentioned above to calm his critical voice while doing it.

6 Decide you Love Yourself Enough to honor your dreams-it is an act of self love to listen to the voice of your dreams and follow these special dreams. Just like you want people in your life that you love so dearly to be happy and to pursue their dreams, to love ourselves in the same manner and to listen to their dreams. level of happiness you feel in your life is directly linked to how well you are listening to your dreams yourself and taking these dreams seriously.

7 If not carried out their dreams or are confused about your dreams What-Are you afraid of? - If you are stalled on pursuing my dream, I know that there are some fears that are holding you back, some of them were conscious and some of them were unconscious. If you are aware of the fears that you are aware of them down. Look at what is written in the highest part of ourselves, a part of you filled with faith and trust. From this perspective, post a reply back to this fear. Example of fear that it will be "I never could make money doing a job that I love, I just stay stuck where I am on-unless they are so unstable with the economy now I can not take any risks." Your response can be back, "Yes, you can earn money doing work you love-it just takes time, effort and persistence. trust that as we continue what we love, we will be supported at every level. We can take steps now to move in this direction and believe that the right opportunity will open for us. We are actually going to be in a better position with the economy, if we are moving in the direction of doing what we love, and not stay stuck in fear. "Some of their fears May be more unconscious. To address these unconscious fears ask yourself on a piece of paper. "You do not take any steps in the direction of your dreams-why are you so afraid?" Close your eyes and just listen to what thoughts pop into your head, or feeling that you feel in your body. Write the answer down and do the same thing as I mentioned above, which was written in response to this fear from the highest part of themselves.

8 Get Support-Of all the things I listed above this is the most important tip of all. Get help from the trust that you believe in the beauty of your own dreams. In my last life to mentoring a group of these people have had dreams in their hearts for years, but never took steps to pursue them. With the support of the program to make more progress in 3 months than they did in 10 years sitting on their dream. Others were able to step out of confusion going around and around again about trying to understand their life purpose, and were finally able to get the clarity they need to move forward. It was amazing-it's like seeing a group of people become alive again after years of holding myself back and not fully alive. Positive, inspirational support is a key element in moving beyond their fears into the joy of living your dreams.

Begin today to reconnect with their own dreams and listen to his lovely wisdom. Allow the wisdom that will guide you in your life that is full of joy and possibility!

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