Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA)

The Democratic Party now has a solid majority in both houses of Congress and the executive in the person of Obama. They now have the opportunity to expand the pro-abortion issue as never before. Elections have consequences, and it is one that is easy to predict before the election 2008th

What are the issues on abortion? What about the constitution, abortion? When life begin? What kind of government we have? What happens if Roe v. Wade was repealed? What is a "choice"? Why not just let it go and leave things as they are and do nothing? What to do if you oppose a national abortion policy or abortion specifically, and expanded the federal government as a whole?

Declaration of Independence states that certain rights are endowed with our Creator and to the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Notification to the inalienable right of the list. founders believed that rights granted by God rather than men, and apply and guaranteed to all people. Life is the first and the primary importance of liberty or the pursuit of happiness. Liberty is more important than the pursuit of happiness. It only makes sense since that life is more important than freedom, and freedom is more important than implementing a fortune. You must live to be free, and be free to pursue happiness. I think many in America today is carried out to put happiness first, but without the life and liberty, the pursuit of happiness will soon be taken. 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states the following rights as a request for proceedings before the state can take them, life, liberty and property, again, note the order.

The Constitution describes our political system of government legislation in relation to the government men. Controlling the means of borders, so we have a limited government. This means that if a person is free to do what they want, unless there is a law that says it can not. With the government of men, then one can only do what the law allows. If there is no law that says you can wear shorts in the summer time, then it would be illegal. I hope I have made ​​it clear that free societies must be based on government legislation.

also provides that our governments' power and responsibility to be divided into three separate branches, which have the unique power and responsibility. branch will be able to check and balance the other branches. legislation, Congress is responsible for writing, discussion and adoption of the law or the law. Congress is also in the control of taxation and spending it all. executive, the president and his cabinet are responsible for the execution and enforcement of laws Congress passes. Justice Court, is responsible for interpreting the laws and constitution. For example: Congress passes tax laws, IRS who work for the executive to implement the tax code, giving Congress the income to spend, and the judiciary to interpret questions of law, and whether it is a constitutional right. At least that's the way it was intended for a material and substantive due process doctrine of incorporation were invented by the Supreme Court.

The Constitution says nothing about abortion per se. Regardless of the Warren Supreme Court found in the constitution is the result of "substantive due process" in which a right, not specifically enumerated, but is derived from the word "freedom" in the 14 Amendment. Remember that "freedom" is listed as having "life" in the 14 Amendment. In fact the whole concept of substantive due process grew out of an open interpretation of the word "freedom, which allows a court to basically dictate to all freedom is considered. If this sounds daunting, it should. 9 unelected people, who serve for life, dictate what freedoms we have is scary. Remember that you should interpret, not laws, execute, or to dictate the law.

While this May sound logical and acceptable to some, it harms the process of amendment of the constitution, and gives the judiciary the right to laws that it thinks are right. This process was originally thought to additionally protect the individual against the state in which the states can not justify the taking of human life, liberty or property by following the simple process of law, but they must have some justification for it. In reality, this would lead the Supreme Court to adopt substantive incorporation doctrine which allows a court to decide or do everything that they feel are fundamental rights, and enforced by the state. This is an unprecedented power of the Supreme Court literally write and enforce the legislation, the rights reserved for the other two branches of government.

Due process prior to Substantive Due process is simply Procedural due process, which means that the Court interpreted the Constitution from government authority following the procedures specifically mentioned in it. Substantive due process and substantive involvement of teaching followed by an absolute violation of the doctrine of separation of powers enumerated in the Constitution. Oddly, though, this power is granted to the judiciary by the judiciary, because they are the ones who were originally charged with interpreting the Constitution. It is unchecked use of energy, another violation of checks and balances put in the constitution. legislature and executive would have to work closely with states to pass an amendment to end this illegal use of power by the court. Court could end the practice, as well as on their own accord. None of these seems likely, because it never happened, and almost every member in the control of three branches of government does not know exactly what I explained to you.

It should be difficult to amend the constitution, a document that authorizes the government to have only limited control over our lives. amendment must pass both houses, will be signed by the president, and then delivers three quarters state parliaments in a certain amount of time. Note involvement of the state legislatures in this process. The founders knew all too well that the state was representative of the people, and should be included for allocation of the federal government more power. This bypasses the flow lines of the constitution the government's ability to become more powerful. Substantive due process is becoming more prevalent in the mid 60's and the federal government grew at an increasing rate, taking more rights from the state, and getting more and more control and freedom of us as individuals to this day.

Why is this important? In our system of government, the federal government is the least representative of the people. government is much more available to the population, and local government is still so. There is only one representative in Congress for approximately every 500 000 citizens, but most people know their members or council, or at least can have easy access to them. people vote is much more influential at the national and local level, than it is for the federal government. vote people vote on how their governments should they serve. Remember the government is supposed to serve you, not vice versa.

As the federal government grows, and encourages the cultivation of the concept should serve the government, I wonder how soon before we become a government of men. If those who want more control over our lives can do with an issue, they will certainly do that with other issues.

nominee during the campaign, Obama was asked a question about when he thought life began. His response was that the question above pay grade. He is admitted or did not know, or that he did not want to answer. Take your pick. In truth, science has no idea when life begins. I do not know with certainty. My faith tells me that life begins at conception, but the first amendment freedom of religion clause means that you do not have to share my faith, nor I yours, or the government to establish religion.

Of course, the baby will be born life. child to be born is a living human being, this is no scientific or common sense argument, and if the child is born, a few moments later killed, the murder they committed, regardless of what state the act occurred in. The fact that a child is arguably a human being and capable of surviving outside the womb for the entire last quarter. No argument there then a single life, no faith required to believe that this is a medical science it supports. Thus, late term and partial birth abortions are the taking of human life, but in fact they were not allowed in Roe v. Wade decision, but mutations in these decisions, more substantive due process.

during the second quarter, month, four to six of pregnancy, your baby is easily recognizable human being, although it generally can not survive outside the womb, the child has unique DNA, muscle and nervous system that are independent of the mothers, the brain, emotions, and the ability to respond to external stimuli. This independent ability to respond to external stimuli is only enough for science to recognize that this organism is alive, and appearance and genetic composition are uniquely human.

abortion during this time is the killing of life, and there is no logical or scientific argument against it.
From conception to the end of the first three months, there are many changes happening. When life starts in this process? Fertilization of the egg? Implantation in the uterus wall? After the appearance of organs and the brain when the heart starts beating? I do not know and neither does anyone else.

Since we do not know that I believe is the largest that we have by the side of life. Perhaps one day it will definitely point that life begins not rely on faith or just speculation, but until then we must err on the side of life. The Constitution requires that we do in this life is an inalienable right to the primary list.

If Roe v. Wade were repealed or constitutional amendment is passed it back, and then make the decision to return to the state and local governments, the back unit of government that is much more representative of their voters. Of course, some states would allow abortion, and many others would not. Also, many sites would restrict abortion within its jurisdiction. Women would not be forced to return to the streets for abortion, but will have to travel to or live in a jurisdiction that allowed them. At least the decision would be available to the elected representatives of the people, and not a few judges who are appointed rather than elected.

is the most terrifying question of what will happen if nothing and leave things as they are. Currently the government, controlled by the Liberal Democrats, proposed the freedom of choice of which among others will require all hospitals and doctors, even those of faith who are currently refusing to perform abortions, to perform abortions. It will also allow partial birth and late term abortions when the baby is viable, but not yet born, the babies that no reasonable scientific argument can be made against the life course, there are


So what is a "choice"? In short, and its purest form, the choice is a choice to act instead of another, to chocolate instead of vanilla, do it "instead of" B ". With regard to the topic at hand, pro-abortion supporters labeled themselves "pro-choice" and support their arguments with statements like "women the right choice. " These conditions sound much more noble than pro-abortion, and women have the right to kill her unwanted child. In fact they are ignoring the truth, the woman did not make good choices, so her wish to have additional opportunities to get rid of the nasty consequences.

We all know what it takes to become pregnant. Leaving aside the rape, the woman has the right to choose whether she wants to be involved in this issue, and if he wants to do it without any form of protection. She and her partner are also fully aware of what the consequences of this irresponsible behavior.

Because I do not know when life begins we must assume the baby is alive. Surely we as a civilized society should approve the assumption that the innocent, because they assume those innocents who have been charged with a crime until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. As abortion crowd wants the right to kill another person for convenience, because there are babies to be inconvenient for the mother. They are charged with a crime must be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt before they can be condemned and their life, liberty or property (excluding taxes) can be at risk from the government. There is no logical argument that says we know scientifically when life begins for a baby over the preponderance of probability in the second two trimesters, and beyond a reasonable doubt during pregnancy.

Suppose you see someone choking, and save your life using the Heimlich maneuver. Nothing says you have to act to save his life, but once you decide to do this, you have no right to kill them later just because you find out they can inconvenience your life in some way.

What happens if we do nothing? What happens if the silent majority is silent? We have not arrived at this point overnight. It is a gradual process of expansion of federal authority through substantive due process, and with regard to abortion and the rights of life, Roe v. Wade. We started down the road that allows the federal government forces state and local governments to allow abortion in the first trimester. Now, with freedom of choice of the Act, if passed, the federal government will require all doctors and hospitals to perform abortions at all stages of pregnancy. If it had happened under Roe v. Wade decision, it would never have been accepted by the government or politicians of that time. But gradually expanding the "right" to abortion and making it more socially acceptable over the films, literature and political speech, we came to that. We start down the road, where we kill for convenience. Some warn that this path will lead to the killing of old people or those with disabilities or deformities other day. I do not know when that day will come. Learning from history, I know two things. If we stay on this road, as we kill more people than unborn babies for convenience will come. If you stay on the road long enough you will arrive at your destination. If you leave the road, you'll never reach it. I do not want to get to the destination society that kills people because they are inconvenient. One day we'll all be inconvenient to some extent.

History shows that we can get to your destination quickly. The issue of less than ten years ago, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party believes the population of Germany to demonize Jews. They blamed the Jews for all their economic problems, and will soon be designated as sub-human. Not all people of Nazi Germany to kill Jews, but many stood by and did nothing as the Nazis round them and eventually killed 6 million because they were inconvenient. Jews were not the only ones who suffer, many Catholics have been captured and killed as well. Yes you said a German citizen in 1930 his government would do this, they would never have believed.

Now we are not killing Jews, but we are killing millions more children. For comparison, the number of children aborted steps away what Hitler and the Nazis did. If you believe that abortion is killing human life, then you can not just stand by and let that happen. What do we do?

When we take a stand? When we make our voice heard that the killing of people through the convenience is wrong. It's all about this issue in reality, people want to have an abortion because a baby resulting from their irresponsible behavior is inconvenient. Abortion only reinforces this behavior by removing the consequences.

Our system of government provides a peaceful revolution every election cycle. We can run for office or support and vote for people who see government as we do. By support I mean campaign, buy ads, walk in parades, and any other legal means for their support. Support also means, if you are a person of faith, to pray for the candidates and our current priests, on a daily basis, for them to do the right things.

We must ask the Supreme Court, the President and Congress to abolish the practice of substantive due process. We must demand of our candidates running for office, and to require them after they are elected. In this sense, writing letters, e-mail, telephone, and the campaign must be initiated and maintained. Having worked in government for 29 years, I know that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. They will do anything just to stop pestering them.

Economic still holding company of the eye, and the current economic situation of many companies on the verge of extinction. Many companies support politicians and certain political issues. Pro-life groups, such as churches, the right to life, and any other organization needs to publish and post on websites, lists of companies that support our candidates, and this particular issue, so we support them in our business. Likewise, if the business supports pro-abortion platform and politicians, then we must support those business, and they must be aware of it. Now this may mean not buying your favorite drink, but it's a small "nuisance" to us as consumers, when you realize that if these companies work, if you vote for these politicians who support abortion. Understand that support pro-abortion politicians and business support abortion. Doing nothing, or by supporting those companies and our politicians are no different than the German citizens who did nothing and let the Holocaust and beyond.

For years I sat in church and listened to sermons and writings. One kept getting my attention, but the time never really called me. In one of the parables Jesus told his followers about the man who gave three servants different measures of "talent" or money for interpretation. One buried his and the other two to apply them, and returned more teachers. I've often thought to use the word "talent" has a double meaning, and for a very long time I have left any "talent" God gave me to bury. I hope not too late for me to start making a return on the investment God has made for me. Please accept this humble attempt at an overview of the mine in hopes of helping to save some innocent lives. Any errors in this work are mine. Any useful information is simply a return on investment that has never been my top priority.

Thanks for taking the time to think about it.

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