Friday, June 17, 2011

Change Your Life Starting Today

Copyright (c) 2010 Willie Horton

If you get everything you want out of life and want for nothing at all in any aspect of your life, do not read this article. All other - read on! From my experience in working directly with clients in the past fourteen years, or through my online shop, I think everyone else includes almost everything. Ask yourself these simple questions: Are you 100% satisfied with yourself? Do you absolutely adore your work? Are you more than enough money? Are you a fit, trim and healthy as you would really like to be? Do you spend much time doing things that are truly passionate about? I assume that the "yeses" are few and far between.

However, each new year I see the stream of self-help articles, radio broadcasts and web site gives people an incentive that is undoubtedly necessary to make change for a better life. If you were to total up the number of books sold on a career, business success, weight loss, self-help, popular psychology and personal development, I think I would not have accounted for the most part non-fiction books on the market worldwide. People spend a fortune reading about self-improvement, without understanding that self-improvement means that you will have to improve themselves !!

So, are you frustrated that your life is stuck in a rut, you've tried to make changes, but the stone and there are so many things wrong with your life that you would not know where to start? Join the gang! Most of us, everyone gets stuck, everyone stumbles, everyone gets frustrated from time to time - it's part of the human condition, not a single better stop feeling sorry for yourself because it only keeps your perceived inability to completely change your life. Yes, this is the inability to understand, nothing to do with reality.

And you know the inability to bear out the fact that, from an early age, and like the rest of us are conditioned to believe that somehow you have to accept their lot in life, take their place in society and play by rules. But rules are made by normal people, a society based on a set of norms, which have learned their perceived shortcomings of normal people - and seventy years of psychological research shows that normal people are crazy. Need to step outside the norm, you need to become abnormal, because, you know what, then you will be different and not that it changes your life is all about.

So, to change your life you have to break your normal life and start living normally. No one will make a big difference in their lives (unless forced to, through a crisis, disaster, major health problems or unfortunately), so trying to make a big change all at once. If you do, you will need to prove you were right I think you can not - because it is just too big a task - and you'll end up more frustrated, dejected and am confident that you're stuck with your lot! To dismantle the structure terribly mundane, not-so-poor, miserable life of a normal (compared with the abundance that you really can have) you've got to take the building down brick-by-brick. Oh, my God! I hear you say - it's a life's work, and I'm desperate for a change now. However, not all the bricks have the same -. Dislodge the appropriate bricks and the whole building will collapse just like those skyscrapers you see will be a controlled explosion demolished

the largest demolition work will be accomplished by taking some of the smallest bricks - little habits that we all have that, when combined, the maintenance of mental torpor and disable an innate ability to create a life that you truly want. Yes - the research is clear, we live out our days automatically, mindlessly, you can devote your energy to create the world we really want. The "automaticity" maintained their habitual behavior. I'm not talking about breaking bad habits - some of these are a big problem for people like trying to reinvent the whole life! I'm talking about the void fabric of your daily life by doing small things, to always do the usual routine way, otherwise.

psychology behind this is out of breath easy. If, for example, in getting up this morning I decide to brush your teeth with a hand that is not used constantly, I took a huge psychological leap - I made a conscious choice to place the subconscious automatic responses. In fact, I just realized that, in every single thing that I do have a choice. But that's not all, then washing teeth otherwise, the more my attention is needed to complete the task. This is another psychological leap, because research shows that our lives are mundane, because we only pay 1% of attention to what we do. Now, I'm suddenly paying more than 1%. Believe it or not, this is life changing. Do not take my word for it, so many people who are either clients or readers have just heard me talk for ten minutes of calls and e-mail me to say that "changed my life forever." Do not take their word for it - try it yourself. There are hundreds of things you do everyday automatically and mindlessly - including not doing the things you really want to do with my life. From small retreats from key under the not-too-bad life, and embarks on a journey of discovery - the great adventure of life.

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