Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Award-Winning Baby Van Gogh World of Colors DVD Exposes Your Child to a Vibrant Palette of Color

to transport back in time to very early childhood. Remember how wonderful it must have been when it was all fascinating new adventure, the whole world just waiting to be discovered when an old plastic bag floating past a train window is a magic dragon's tail. Now imagine what treats lie in wait for your little one with baby Einstein Baby Van Gogh.

Imagine a sense of amazement as they discover the magical rainbow color blend of music, art and poetry! Giving them an early introduction to Van Gogh's wonderful pictures and amazing colors - this is a gift that will make them rich for life


Yellow, green, orange, purple, red and blue - the six primary colors were introduced with a captivating combination of Van Gogh's art, serene classical music and original songs. There is a good choice of music, including excerpts from perennial favorites such as Rossini's William Tell Overture and Ravel's Bolero.

Each color has a certain number of segments dedicated to the paint in toys and nature photography, and, of course, Van Gogh's timeless illustrations. Each color is associated with a particular painting of Van Gogh - Sunflowers for Orange, Starry Night for the blue and so on. Children are also shown illustrating the colors - a boy holding a blue umbrella, a girl holding a lemon and so on. There is an even mix of boys and girls displayed.

Fun is a very important aspect of learning and your child will giggle with glee at the antics of art-loving puppet, Vincent Van Goat. This hilarious black leather doll artist paints images of Van Gogh to illustrate each color.

You can even immerse their children in foreign languages​​, using DVD-Spanish and French songs. Other features include DVD-toy chest and detection maps, add variety to learning. The length DVD also is timed just perfect for children -. Being not too long, holding their attention throughout the film

Baby Van Gogh is just one of many Baby Einstein DVD, along with the baby of Shakespeare, revealing the shapes and Baby Mozart, and others. More than any other in the series, Baby Van Gogh offers a stimulating and enjoyable learning experience for the visual and auditory senses, simple mixing great music with images from nature and art, in a way that positively captivates and delights young children.

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