Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Living a Stress Free Life by Constant Contemplation in the Present Moment

Translating ...
Translating ...
Translating ...

But when someone is so busy thinking and caring about the past and future, he will be in harmony with the natural movement of existence then, gets disillusioned with the movement of time. But we have so much time is used for what we have forgotten, and life itself. And we must realize that it is fulfilling moment is beyond time and timeless.

to get to this present moment, where time has stood still and you will feel that is refreshing, stress-free moment. Get away from the world and to enter into this thoughtless moment.

Doing anti-silencing

A man went into the habit of doing things. workaholics control the world. People who do nothing are scoffed in and asked to do at least something. And the man began to feel guilty and out of society, if he does nothing. So, of course, anxiety takes time free moment comes.

But look at it closely, causing more strain life doing things rather than remaining calm. Even when someone is quiet, thoughts are engaged in something. Even when asleep, still works a little like dreaming.

Stop and feel the moment

to live in this moment fills. Lord Buddha said, 'Live in the moment'. Living here and now fills. Despite the shrill sirens and the car or the jarring music machine, the mind can be silent.

So, stop the next time you are in the middle of doing something and think about this point, but do it once. This work will suddenly get a mind caught unawares and it takes awhile for it to renew their minds again. So, at this point gap just shut up and enjoy it. So, next time you remember, twitch and get in that moment of silence. That at least half a minute each time for at least six times a day. This adds up to three minutes per day.

If someone can do it more often is better. Do you'll become more aware that the unthinking moment, and you have achieved synchronicity of the thoughtless, stress-free state.

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